What House Cleaning Should Be Done Daily?

Weekends should be used to recharge, not to make up for missed work from the week. House chores are included in this. Even if we like the outcome, cleaning the house could be more enjoyable and relaxing. Commit to cleaning for 15 to 20 minutes five days a week to finish your to-do list for the house before the weekend; then, you can embrace your independence and a clean house on weekends. Most of us need more time to perform a thorough deep-cleaning procedure daily. There usually isn't much time left over at the end of the day to dust the furniture or clean the floors between work, caring for children, cooking meals, and other household chores.


Save the thorough cleaning for a different day. With only a few jobs in each area of your home, this quick task list makes it easier for you to complete daily cleaning. This article will share daily cleaning tips and tricks for every area of your house approved by LouBelle's cleaning experts, so stay tuned.

1.  Kitchen Cleaning

The kitchen is assumed to be the most cluttered and messy place in a house cause It’s always being used, unlike the bedroom and drawing room. The second easiest place in a house is its bathroom but we'll get to that later. This section is all about the kitchen cleaning so here is a must-follow to-do list for kitchen chores.

  • Do the Dishes after every meal

    Make a habit of doing dishes after every meal because dishes here are the main culprit in making a kitchen smell bad and look cluttered, especially if you have family members who like to let the dishes “SOAK”.

  • Clean kitchen countertops daily

    It's important to clean countertops daily to reduce the risk of permanently staining them if you spill something on them. Make a habit of cleaning and disinfecting your kitchen countertops to keep them germ-free and clean. It's where you keep your prep food, so it's a crucial everyday cleaning chore.

  • Keep it clutter free!

    If you spend most of your time in your kitchen, you're most likely bringing things that don't belong in the kitchen with you and forgetting to take them with you afterwards, and it's just sitting there for days. Clean up the countertops and move anything that doesn't belong in the kitchen. Dish towels should be folded and hung.

2. Bathroom Cleaning

Remember we said earlier that bathroom is said to second messier place in a house. So now it’s time for some tips and tricks for the bathroom.

  • The sink, mirror and counters should all be cleaned

    To clean surfaces, dampen a paper towel or washcloth with some water (or, if you keep one in the bathroom, an all-purpose cleanser). The same towel is rapidly used to clear spills off the mirror, wipe down the countertops and scrape the sink.

  • Organize countertop clutter

    Put all cosmetics, toiletries, and other junk back where it belongs.

  • Change Bathroom towels Daily

    You should change the towels daily and hang them after use don’t just throw wet towels anywhere in the bathroom.

3. BedrooM Cleaning

After a long day, a clean and tidy bedroom can help you relax and take away all your exhaustion. You can follow a simple everyday routine to achieve that.

  • Make your bed

    After waking up, the first thing you should do is make your bed. Doing that will, help you get started with your day with a sense of achievement. And it will give a proper kick-start to your day.

  • Fold your laundry

    Don’t let your laundry pile up in your bedroom, fold it immediately and put it away where it needs to be. If you can’t do it immediately, don’t let it sit there for too long and get it done when you dove the time.

  • Use organizers and racks

    Use organizers and racks to store your thing if you don’t have enough storage space in your bedroom. It will help you keep everything in place.

4.  Living Room Cleaning

The living room sees the most foot activity inside the home. It can quickly fill up with a variety of common objects including books, games, bags, dishes, and other stuff that clutters up your home if you're not careful. After using an item, put it back where it belongs so that your living area looks orderly and makes a good first impression on guests.

  • Clear up the sofa

    Clear the sofa of any blankets and snack crumbs. Line the cushions and fluff pillows.

  • Don’t bring shoes to the living room

    Don’t bring shoes that you wear outside to your living room. They will bring dust and germs with them. Use different pairs of slippers or flip-flops for home. It 

  • Clear up the coffee table

    Pick up any clutter that’s been sitting on the coffee table and also the empty coffee mugs that belong in the kitchen sink.

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